
Policy can be binding law, standards and guidelines, or an approach to doing business that is not imposed but adopted voluntarily by practitioners. Policy shapes human experience, by creating conditions for decision-making, converting thought, evidence, and intention into action.

The climate crisis is a complicated policy challenge, because:

  1. We have never faced this level of global threat before;
  2. Our systems were designed for a more stable world;
  3. Our economy values destructive activities as productive;
  4. Nations need to work together in spite of reasonable doubt.

The climate crisis calls on us to consider evidence with minds that are both open and sober, and then to innovate and alter our circumstances at unprecedented speed. This needs to be done in ways that are just and inclusive, and make room for the human experience, need, and insights, of even the most vulnerable.

Citizens’ Climate International works to support stakeholders and decision-makers in meeting that call, so they can team up for a livable future.

The vision behind our Blue Notes is informed by principle, by engagement with people as people, and by a recognition that the most no-nonsense approach is to aim for the best possible outcome. That best possible outcome should be pollution-free, inclusive and just, and support sustainable thriving, in harmony with nature.

Reinventing Prosperity

When the COVID pandemic disrupted lives and livelihoods across the world, the CCI team held regular consultations with our network of citizen stakeholders around the world. The result was a common understanding that multiple converging crises were causing deep and possibly permanent changes in the local experience for many people. Addressing fear, insecurity, and uncertainty, would require careful planning—not only on COVID safety and economic recovery, but also toward a future in which sustainable human development would be the everyday norm.

The search for a strategy for constructive, inclusive future-building led to six Principles for Reinventing Prosperity:

  1. We are all future-builders.
  2. Health is a fabric of wellbeing and value.
  3. Resilience is a baseline imperative.
  4. Leave no one behind.
  5. Design to transcend crisis.
  6. Maximize integrative value creation.

Getting to work

We believe everyone’s chances of success—including governments and industry—are enhanced when the design of our world is shaped by the needs and aspirations of all people. This leads us to focus on core areas of policy design and mobilization of solutions:

For more about CCI and how we work, go to: